Easy Ways to Register to Vote
Hi NEXT Friends!

My name is Emily Bendick and I am the Norman NEXT Government Relations Chair. I want to take a moment to reflect on the topic of making our city a better place to live, work and play. Normanites have some exciting decisions to make at the polls on August 25th with the upcoming Norman Forward election! If you aren’t registered to vote yet, the deadline is July 31st. We want each and every one of our members to share in the joy of civic engagement. So I’m here to encourage you to take a few moments and get it done today.
Registering to vote is SUPER EASY!
· Once the form is complete, print it out and sign it.
· Return the signed form to the Cleveland County Election Board.
· Mail it to the Cleveland County Election Board – 641 East Robinson, Suite 200, Norman, Ok 73071 (must be postmarked by July 31st to be registered in time for the Aug. 25th election).
· Scan and email the signed version to our Norman NEXT board member Trent Brown at trent@normanyes.com and he will return it for you!
No Access to a Printer?
VisitNorman and Pioneer Library System have pre-printed registration forms at the ready!
Not sure where you’re registered?
Check the OK Voter Portal! You can change your registration through the portal as well.
I <3 voting, as does Trent, so please let us know if you have any questions!
In partnership,
Emily Bendick
Government Relations Chair
Norman NEXT